Friday, August 21, 2020


 I decided to do one more painting before school started back up, so I chose a canvas of the size, 9 X 12 and put some paint on it. I did a base layer of Acrylic paint and then splattered some oil paint on top - 

I decided to film the painting from start to finish so I could see the progress in a time lapse. The phone kept shutting off on me, so the beginning with the acrylic paint has some pieces missing. The second part with the splattering of oil paint I used the camera, which worked better - but the lighting was bad so it is hard to see.

I have one finished picture of the painting - this time no progress pictures, but a progress video.


Thank You for Reading this post!

1 comment:

  1. The time lapse video looks great! You should do more videos like that.


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