Saturday, January 11, 2020

Finished Drawing!

Hello again, you're back.

It's been almost a week since I started my still life and I've finally finished. I've added some more detail and a nice dark background to emphasize my subjects a little more. If you scroll down a little you will see some pictures revealing my finished piece.

Look! Here's some pictures.


What Medium Did I Use?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I used charcoal for this drawing: charcoal sticks, vine charcoal, and compressed charcoal. I just love using charcoal; it gives me rich darks and gives me lots of value - it also absorbs light - so if i'm working under a light or in the sun I don't have to wear my sunglasses from all the light bouncing in my eyes.

What Am I Going To Do Next?

Great question, I'm glad you asked. I have a pretty good idea of what my next piece is going to be.

I really like how it moves the eye - I've never drawn so many spherical shapes in one drawing. I hope you like the finished drawing, 

Friday, January 10, 2020


Hello, hello! My name is Esteban Barnes - it's my paintbrush name (like a pen name, but for artists) and I have been an artist for some time now. I've finally decided to write about my work; what I do, how I get ideas, and I'll showcase some artwork as well.

- I'm an artist, should I really be writing? Maybe I should post only with pictures, like a graphic novel.

Let's Start With My Blog Name

I couldn't decide what my art blog would be called so I put some information into a name generator; it gave lots of ideas but none that really caught my eye - except the one.
Hung Drawn and Quartered, it was short and catchy: perfect. I changed the words to make it artistic, Sketched Drawn and Painted. And the original meaning of that phrase really seems to work well with art, because I draw my work and hang it up ... but I guess I don't chop it up ... unless It's terrible.