Sunday, September 13, 2020

What Drawing Upside Down Actually Helps With

 Drawing upside down can actually be beneficial

Many people of the human population believe they can't draw or have no artistic abilities at all.

But if they would only try and believe in themselves they would see their abilities take form in their artistically lost minds - their creativity would come back to life. Not only would their artistic abilities increase, but also their memory, perception, communication, and problem solving would also start improving, and their stress levels would go down as well. 

But when you turn everything upside down... 

That's when your mind gets to work from a different perspective. Your mind gets to see objects from a different angle as if it is a whole new form, shapes instead of what you think they are ... Now you can truly draw what you see and not draw what you know.

I can tell my skills and perception have improved over the past few years. This turned out a lot better than when I did this study in my ninth grade art class. It is not perfect, the head is in the wrong place - I drew something too big, but it is much better.

I encourage everyone that reads this to try it, or something identically similar - (redundant?)

But after the many years I have been drawing it seems that I can pick out the details and see them as many different forms and shapes - complexity into simplicity - that is the key to drawing well. Being able to take the details and see them as simple shapes.

Thank You for reading this post! 

Be sure to comment something you like or leave a witty comment.

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Monday, September 7, 2020

Abstract Line Composition


Now I haven't really done abstract much ... actually the last time I did abstract was in 9th grade.

Usually artists represent something when doing abstract, like feelings, memories, or something of that nature - But I don't, at least not for this piece. I just sat down, drew some lines, and made some designs.

I only did an abstract because it was the assignment but it turned out to be fun - I've found out over the years that pretty much anything that involves holding a pencil or a paintbrush, or any tool of the artist's trade is fun, relaxing, and just plain enjoyable. (If you've never held a paintbrush or a pencil and you haven't had much fun in the past week or even year - you definitely should give it a try).

Now to get on with the drawing ...
in progress Pictures

The beginning

I started off ... I didn't even know where to start - but this is where it ended up after I started.

Not Long after ...

After a few steps I had the color pencils out getting some more medium down on the paper. This piece has a little pencil, a little charcoal, a little pastel, a little sharpie, a little fine liner pen, and a little colored pencil.

A few steps later ...

Yes, Bob Ross appears.

Getting towards the finish ...

Some more color and shading was added ... I guess too much - it's supposed to be a line drawing - I probably added too much value.

And The Final Composition ...

Overall it was a fun piece to draw even though it may be weird - not like the normal pieces I usually draw - but it gets its viewers thinking. It all moves the eye to Bob Ross.

Comment how you like it.